What is an Amazon OTP Number?

July 9, 2022

Whether you’ve received an OTP Number for no reason, aren’t receiving one when needed, or are generally confused, we’ll be covering everything OTP.

What’s the Purpose of an OTP Number Anyways?

Amongst the many new cyber threats facing online consumers today, many companies have begun to accelerate their development of technologies that can enhance one’s defense against such attacks. One primary method companies have been pushing lately is the process of multi-factor authentication. Using this innovation, the user is most usually required to input their password, along with using some other form of authentication such as a separate app or code. This is the environment where OTP (one-time password) numbers come into play. Simply put, an OTP number or “One-Time Password“ is a code sent to the client by the company in order to provide one with an extra layer of security. This code is most often sent to a person’s telephone number or email. This helps ensure that hackers will find it more difficult to enter and abuse one’s account.

What is an Amazon OTP Number? (non-infographic)

How Amazon Keeps You Safe

Specifically speaking about Amazon, they have employed their own system of multi-factor authentication with the use of an OTP number. When logging in, Amazon will present the consumer with mailing options for an OTP through either text, call, or a separate OTP authenticator application. What happens to be unique about Amazon’s verification process is the permittance given to users for enabling multiple authenticator apps. This allows for more points of entry when logging in, meaning one doesn’t have to rely on only one device when faced with multi-factor authentication.

Another great safety measure employed by Amazon is their use of OTP numbers when delivering high-value packages to their clients. In this system, drivers will be asked to obtain the correct OTP number from customers to ensure packages fall into the correct hands. A simple yet surefire way to offer reassurance to clients, requiring an OTP number upon delivery greatly reduces the risk of an individual taking on great losses for a missing package of increased value.

OTP Incursions To Avoid

Although OTP numbers may seem undefeatable, there are certain hazards and issues to watch out for and deal with correctly. As with most technology dedicated to defense, there will always be a new hack or loophole that those will malintent will work to develop in order to trick people and take advantage of those unaware. To utilize the OTP Amazon function to its fullest, one must be acutely aware of these threats along with the technical issues that these codes can occasionally harbor.

Detecting a Scam

In most cases, OTP scams happen when one receives a verification text without a prompt for there to be one in the first place. It should be noted that OTP numbers should only be sent if one is trying to access their account or is soon to receive a high-value package from the company. With this in mind, a random OTP number can mean that a separate entity is attempting to log into one’s Amazon account. To combat this malicious action, one should be privy to the idea of never giving away their OTP number unless there is a sound reason to do so. It would be well to remember that this OTP number is a user’s last line of defense before having access to the account. After such an encounter, a great way to prevent future encounters like this would be to reset one’s password.

Texting scams are also rather popular, as it’s a quick and easy way to access one’s information. At the moment, for U.S.-based users, Amazon only sends delivery OTP numbers via email, so any text or call is automatically a scam. For others living elsewhere, Amazon will send text messages with OTP numbers and nothing more. Due to this fact, if one should receive an Amazon text with an OTP number and a link, it should be regarded as a scam, as legitimate texts would never include a link.

The last most common OTP scam is being called by an “Amazon representative”. This call is almost always a scam for your personal information, as they may ask for an OTP number to “fix” or “verify” something in their account. Never give in to these calls, and if hesitant, search for help from Amazon directly.

An OTP That Just Won’t Send

When trying to access one’s account, sometimes the OTP number needed simply won’t send. In this situation, there are a couple of troubleshooting methods to try.

This first is to reevaluate one’s contact information. Any outdated or incorrect information will fail when attempting to receive an OTP number. Routinely updating information is also a great way to prevent personal information from being sent to the wrong person, helping secure one’s account.

If nothing is found wrong with one’s contact information, the next best bet is to remove all cookies involved and restart the browser being used. In theory, a reboot of the whole site should refresh and do away with whatever issue burdening the user.

Adding an Extra Layer of Protection

Even though OTP numbers might provide a much-needed layer of security for those who fear cyberattacks, there is still more that can be done to protect one’s personal information. An effective and fairly easy method of doing this is by renting a non-VoIP, U.S.-based phone number. In doing so, one can use their number in whatever online way they like, including creating and verifying Amazon accounts. This ensures that even if hackers can get a hold of a rented phone number, it will not be linked personally. A separation from personal information is always important, especially if one is involved in the field of business. With trusted telephone number providers such as Tardigrada.io, one can always feel safe that their information is protected, while also being able to take advantage of U.S.-based services like Hulu, U.S. Netflix, and much more.