How to Get More Followers On Instagram In 2022

July 30, 2022

Want to get more real followers on your Instagram account? Scroll down for tips and tricks! This article explains all the techniques you can use.

The Benefits of a Large Following Base

Instagram is a platform where like-minded individuals can connect, influence one another, and share their lives with followers. Users that are considered influencers have achieved lucrative successes, receiving merchandise, payment to post products from brands or companies, and receiving an immense amount of profit from exhibiting material success. A large following base can increase impact across audiences, with a chance of becoming an influencer yourself.

How to Get More Followers On Instagram (non-infographic)

With a large following, comes many new opportunities, and benefits such as:

  • Important causes can be promoted to a large audience.
  • Money can be earned, through sponsorships or affiliations.
  • Your business can gain more traction.
  • Products can increase sales.
  • You can gain many new friends!
  • Fame and other opportunities are probable.

4 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Instagram

So, what are some ways that more traffic, in the form of views, follows, and likes can be achieved? Organic growth is a strategy that boosts your follower account without costing you any money. Organic growth is deemed important because it creates relationships with followers that are active users interested in your account or content.

Most importantly, organic growth is achieved without money or a marketing budget. Below are four simple ways that help to increase organic growth in your account.

Reach Out to Like-Minded Accounts

Reaching out to like-minded accounts can help you to make connections within your niche that will benefit both individuals in the partnership or interaction. Before establishing connections, optimizing your Instagram should be a priority. This gives your account a personalization that will communicate your brand identity to your followers. Through the text in your bio, image captions, a catchy username, and a profile image that stands out, users will recognize your account and associate it with your brand. Optimizing your account helps to form the base of your brand identity, and will be the face of all your communications and success. Below are four additional ways to begin to establish new connections.

Send a Message Through DM

“Sliding into DMs” is commonly considered the opposite of professional networking. For account owners, DMs are the easiest way to directly contact the owner of a like-minded account, it also allows them to check out your account without needing to click elsewhere. When writing a message, make sure to make your intention clear, while being friendly and adding a personal touch. This simple form of communication may result in partnerships and content from influencers that can drive more traffic to your account.

Start Liking Posts on the Explore Page

The explore page is a wide world of content that varies from pictures of puppies to the highest mountain peaks. When scrolling, remember that this page is tailored for your likes and content preferences. Use the algorithm as a marketing tool, and like posts that are like your content or account. This will help gain more traffic onto your account, as well as consistently provide you with content that is like yours and provide you with more accounts to network with.

Rent a U.S.-Based Number

Renting a U.S.-based number allows you to create multiple accounts and can give you more “organic” traffic by authenticating multiple accounts for Instagram. In comparison to other accounts that use apps to gain followers, which can claim to get to 1000 followers on Instagram or promise to get you 10k followers on Instagram, are expensive and do not gain real followers.

Although this is a way to gain more followers, we’d recommend avoiding these ways of gaining followers to gain traffic:

  • Avoid fake Instagram followers by not purchasing them, as they do not interact with your account or create lasting relationships that build better engagement.
  • Fake Instagram followers tend to deceive new followers, as it is easy to spot when an account’s 10k followers are not reflected in the accounts likes, this lowers account credibility.

By renting VoIP U.S.-based phone numbers, one can:

  • Provide a number for social media accounts to be based in the US.
  • Can be used to send an OTP.
  • Can be used if your account has been banned from the platform and you need to get back on.
  • Can be used to manage multiple social media accounts.

Stay Consistent with Posting and Engage with Your Audience

To engage your audience, one must create compelling and interactive posts. The consistency of these posts is important, not only to keep followers aware of the presence of your account but also to stay at the top of Instagram’s algorithm.

Here are some ways to stay consistent with your posts:

  • Keep a consistent calendar.
  • Schedule Instagram posts in advance.
  • Create content in bulk before it’s time to post.
  • Set reminders on your phone.
  • Know when you’re going to post, such as every other day.

Consistent posts do not equal an increase in likes, follows, and comments. Instead, the quality of the posts and the engagement by your followers is dependent on how interesting the posts are to your target audience or niche.

Here are some ways to engage your audience:

  • Create submission or comment contests.
  • Post content your followers want to see.
  • Give out prizes.
  • Repost pictures of followers with your products.
  • Keep up to date with trends to stay relevant.

If you are looking to get more real followers on your Instagram account, these tips and tricks will help you to optimize your account, by helping you stay consistent with posting and engaging your audience. This may result in partnerships with influencers that can drive more traffic to your account. By renting VoIP U.S.-based phone numbers as provided by you can also manage multiple accounts, have a US presence, and never fear being banned or removed from the platform.